6 Healthcare Marketing Trends Ruling In 2022!

Ruling Healthcare Marketing Trends

Why should you know all about B2B healthcare marketing in 2022?

To explore more about the patients with health goals leading to designing various products and services about latest requirements. In this hypercompetitive world, it is very necessary to stay ahead of the competition by inventing workable solutions that might be in high demand in the prevailing times. One should not leave any marketing possibility unexplored, as just making excellent products and services does not serve the purpose unless it reaches the right audience.

The consumer or the patients, in case of B2B healthcare marketing, should be aware and engage positively in campaigns. It is also equally important to get their feedback, evaluate it and realign marketing goals with ongoing demand.

B2B marketing trends in the healthcare industry

1. Artificial Intelligence

AI in Healthcare Industry

Assisting doctors, medical and non-medical staff, administrators, and even patients, the application of AI in the healthcare industry is on a rising trend. It helps in researching through thousands of journals and forums for the invention of new drugs. The patients can seek the physicians of their choice and get the best consultation & treatment as per requirement.

Today, the patients don’t have to wait for hours to collect their records and reports physically from a doctor’s office. Now, they can access these anytime and anywhere on the go with an electronic medical recording system accessed by Artificial Intelligence.

Do you know that global AI in the healthcare market is forecasted to record a value of US$22.68 billion in 2025, progressing at a CAGR of 35.59%, for the duration spanning 2021-2025? – (Source)

2. Content Marketing

Content Marketing In Healthcare Industry

The smart B2B healthcare marketers in 2022 will go beyond just lead generation and conventional marketing channels. Today, the success mantra is video-based content marketing. Nowadays, even the literate population is too reluctant to read through long descriptions of healthcare solutions. They choose all information compiled in a video-based format on the move.

It goes without mentioning that the unlettered population will definitely prefer short healthcare solutions video to a long informative text. Uploading informative and engaging videos about healthcare products and services will definitely drive traffic to your store.

A fact to know: It is estimated that by 2022, there will be 210 million YouTube users/viewers in the U.S., up from 192 million in 2018 – (Source)

3. Search Engine Optimization scores with voice searches

SEO in Healthcare Industry

Optimizing SEO for healthcare marketing has become extremely important to survive in this extremely cut-throat competitive world. A vital aspect would be that people prefer speaking to a digital assistant like Siri on iPhone Alexa or Google Assistant, rather than typing search queries in the search engines.

Long-tail keywords are slowly replacing short keywords, as the healthcare industry is all about action to get viable products and services. For example- People would like to speak out ‘find the best physiotherapist near me’ than typing it as a search engine query.

Do you know: The latest Google research suggests that voice queries are 40 times more action-oriented than regular search queries. – (Source)

4. Internet of Things (IOT)

IoT in Healthcare Industry

IoT is a great tool nowadays to manage the inventory and movement of products and service-related aspects in various leading healthcare centers and hospitals by manufacturers/suppliers.

5. Wearable Devices

Wearable devices

Today the end-consumer wants convenience in every form. Thanks to the modern-day lifestyle, people cannot even spare time for the upkeep and maintenance of their own bodies, which is the main machinery behind all actions from dawn to dusk. Necessity is the mother of invention rightly holds good here as it gives insights for upcoming trends in healthcare marketing.

When monitoring vitals like blood pressure, blood sugar, heart-beat, pulse-rate, and many other parameters became essential to be recorded on a timed basis, wearable devices secured their place as arm bands, watches, chest-straps to name a few. This boon also leads to better diagnosis and treatments of underlying health conditions by physicians as they get the data ready to be analyzed.

Medical Technology companies manufacture 5 million different types of technologies-ranging from wearable external skin patches to insulin pumps that can be worn on one’s body at all times. – (Source)

6. Revisiting the customer entry-points

Customer entry points in healthcare industry

No wonder whatever the industry is, the customer is the king and will always remain to be the king. They decide the fate of B2B marketing trends in the healthcare industry. An action-oriented marketing plan in place with a backup is the key today in 2022. Do not leave any stone unturned.

Give your best shot at designing the most interactive website, third-party listings, a very strong engagement center via mobile apps or patient portals, and many others. Create and develop a brand that connects to the patients at a personal, emotional, and psychological level. Promote this brand nationally, globally as well as to the niche level.

Explore more about responsive B2B healthcare marketing databases, healthcare mailing lists, insights on campaign management!


B2B healthcare marketing in 2022 is a multifaceted challenge to marketers. Though personalization is a term far-fetched in the vicinity of healthcare services, people want personalized healthcare services today. To a great extent, B2B healthcare marketers have been successful too in providing such facilities. At home, Covid-19 tests or RT-PCR results, selecting a physician/healthcare provider, choosing the best healthcare brands based on reviews, or what is called ‘Social-Proof’ today is a game of finger-tips.

Although our customer is very smart today to be the game-changer, he/she still needs help across the funnel is a fact that cannot be ignored. Last but certainly not least, ensure customer privacy and compliance with major regulatory bodies like HIPPA Privacy rule and GDPR Compliance. Cybersecurity must be always considered with utmost importance as always and should be a mandatory part of any B2B discussion with technological integration. A holistic strategy in place to give the required expertise with a humane touch is appreciated to date.

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